Chit chat for chai

Termites are believed to eat wood twice as fast while listening to heavy metal. More chit chat facts about the power of music!


Karishma brings you seven things you could really do without, but are better off knowing.

Her warning: You may not like what you find. And you may not believe what is in fact, fact.

But share them with your children. Step into someone else’s shoes. Imagine.

‘Music can change the world, because it can change people’Bono


Karaoke means “empty orchestra” in Japanese. 

Termites are believed to eat wood twice as fast while listening to heavy metal.

The popular music band U2 was once called Feedback.

Monaco’s orchestra is supposedly bigger than its army. 

Louis Armstrong holds the record for oldest chart topper, having reached Number One in the UK in 1968 with his song ‘What A Wonderful World’. He was 67 at the time.

Just like humans, birds can learn music before they are born; while still in the egg.

The longest rendering of a national anthem was ‘God Save the King,’ which had to be played 17 consecutive times by a German military band in 1909 while King Edward VII was struggling inside a train to change into his field marshal uniform.

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Desi Ex-Factor

Can you have good intentions when hurting someone? There is an art to maintaining the title of ‘Ex’ without it becoming the devil’s stamp on your forehead.

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